Hippie Dabble Digest 44: From ocean waves to energy, all solar in Tokyo, algae biopanel windows, what’s in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?, and more

Welcome to week 44 of the Hippie Dabble Digest! If you’ve missed any of the first 43 Digests, you can find them on Substack here: https://hippiedabble.substack.com/.

This week’s just for fun link is a virtual globe that lets you see how specific locations, like your hometown, have changed over the last 750 million years. Put your location in at the top left and time period at the top middle or pick a specific event, such as when flowers first grew, at the top right. https://dinosaurpictures.org/ancient-earth#0

Capturing Energy From Ocean Waves

This hypnotic video shows a new device that can capture energy by sitting on top of the ocean and moving with the waves.

Here’s the website that gives some more information on it and has more videos: https://www.designboom.com/technology/sea-wave-energy-limited-waveline-magnet-floating-device-08-16-2022/.

All Solar Roofs in Tokyo

In another win for clean energy, Tokyo is going to start requiring all new homes to have solar panels on them.  Here’s a short article about it:  https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/09/09/national/tokyo-solar-panel-new-homes/.

Algae Biopanel Windows

What’s better than ocean wave energy and solar roofs? Perhaps it’s algae biopanel windows that capture power, create oxygen, and suck up CO2. Check out this exciting invention here: https://newatlas.com/energy/greenfluidics-algae-biopanels/.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

You’ve probably heard about the giant, floating patch of garbage out in the Pacific Ocean. But what exactly is in The Great Pacific Garbage Patch?  Find out here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/a-close-look-at-the-great-pacific-garbage-patch-reveals-a-common-culprit/ar-AA11ypY4.

On the Website

Well, I didn’t get all the products up before the Casper Holistic Expo like I wanted to, but I did get a few more things up and tons of pictures taken. I’ll keep adding so please keep checking back. https://hippiedabble.com/shop/ If you’ve been looking and keep seeing the same stuff, try sorting by latest at the top of the products.

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