Hippie Dabble Digest 53: Updated format, Sellarium, black bean soup, environmental news, and more!

Welcome to our 53rd edition of the Hippie Dabble Digest! For the next few weeks, I’m going to be trying different things with the digest such as having specific sections. As I play around with it, let me know what you think in the comments. This week the Just For Fun link has its own section heading, I’ve added an “On Youtube” section for a weekly video, and an “In the News” section. Let me know in the comments what other kinds of things you’d like to see. Hope you enjoy!

Just For Fun

Have you ever looked out at the night sky and wondered what stars and planets you’re actually looking at? Sellarium shows you which constellations and planets are out on the night that you’re looking at it. It has several fun features like drawing the constellations for you or showing where the skyline is to see if certain things are in view. There’s also an app you can put on your mobile device. Check it out here: https://stellarium-web.org/.

On Youtube

Black Bean Soup

I stumbled on this video of a lady making a black bean soup.  I thought it looked good so I decided to share it with you.

In the News

“A new rule would, for the first time in a decade, reduce emissions of soot that disproportionately harm communities of color.” Read more here: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/climate/epa-soot-pollution-biden.html.

EPA issues new rule to strengthen water protections in the U.S. (NBC News)

“Under the new definition of “waters of the United States,” more wetlands, lakes and rivers will qualify as federally protected.” Read more here: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/environment/waters-of-the-united-states-protection-epa-rcna62989.

Puerto Rican Cities Sue Fossil Fuel Companies in Major Class-Action, Climate Fraud Case (EcoWatch)

“Nearly 25 years ago, oil major Shell predicted in an internal 1998 report that a class-action lawsuit would be brought against fossil fuel companies following ‘a series of violent storms.’ That prediction is finally coming true”. Read more here: https://www.ecowatch.com/puerto-rico-climate-liability-lawsuit.html.

What’s New in the Directory

All the links and resources that appear in our Hippie Dabble Digest go into the Directory so you can easily come back and find what you’re looking for. It’s searchable and you can also find resources by category. I’m still working to get caught up, but I’ve put in all of the above links.

The current link count is 97. Take a look here: https://hippiedabble.com/directory/.

Quote of the Week

Curing environmental ills requires not a stance outside nature, but a stance within nature, a role not as onlooker without, but as an actor within.  Quote by Valerius Geist.

Thanks for joining me for another edition of the Hippie Dabble Digest!

🕶 Relax!

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