Cultivating Happiness

Photo by Natalie from Pexels

I have SO MUCH to share with you!  Where do I even begin?  It’s time for me to get my butt in gear and post all of this fantastic stuff I keep finding.  

Today’s happen-upon find is another podcast.  I don’t listen to this podcast regularly, but it seems that every time I decide to give it a listen, the universe is sending me a nice reminder.  I hope you find not only this specific episode helpful, but the whole Happiness Lab Podcast because it really focuses on a major hippie principle – happiness and how to achieve it.  I’ve picked this specific episode to share with you for two reasons.  One, it’s the episode I happened upon this go around of listening. And two, I am drawn to Taoism.  You don’t have to change your religion or religious beliefs to be a Taoist. Taoism works perfectly with all religions. If you don’t know what Taoism is, this is a great introduction to it but also, as the podcast name suggests, it gives you great ways to cultivate happiness in your life. Have a listen.

Check the tags section for more interesting finds labelled “Happen-Upon”.

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