Hippie Dabble Digest 11: Radio Garden, Tentacled Butterfly Ray, New Zealand Sea Lions, COP26, Climate Change Terms, & Another Place to Buy Plants

The Hippie Dabble Digest started September 7, 2021 on Substack.  We have since transitioned over to the blog and a newsletter that encompasses more than just the digest.  As part of this transition,  Hippie Dabble is bringing over all the old digests for you to enjoy.  This one is week 11 from November 16, 2021.  The links from the Hippie Dabble Digests get put into the Directory and can be found here: https://hippiedabble.com/directory/

Welcome to week 11 of the Hippie Dabble Digest! Do you like listening to the radio? Maybe there’s a station in another state that you love but can’t find where you are at. Or maybe you’re curious what people in other countries listen to. Radio Garden lets you listen to different radio stations around the world.  You can click explore and let it suggest a station for you or you can search a specific location.  https://radio.garden/ Happy listening!

This week in our main finds, the Smithsonian Magazine has brought us two hopeful stories about endangered animals, TED Ideas gives us some climate change information, and of course I’m still finding places to buy plants and seeds.  

The Tentacled Butterfly Ray

The tentacled butterfly ray was thought to be extinct until it started turning up in fishing nets near Iran in 2019.  Since then the numbers found in fishing nets has continued to increase which is both good news and bad news.  Obviously the good news is that the tentacled butterfly ray isn’t extinct as previously thought.  The bad news is that the fishing now threatens the rays’ survival once again since they can’t survive the length of the hauls in the nets.  There may be hope though with certain devices to keep the rays out of the nets.  Read more here:  https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/presumed-extinct-tentacled-butterfly-ray-is-found-180979048 

New Zealand Sea Lions

200 hundred years ago the New Zealand sea lions were hunted and driven off the main island of New Zealand.  Today they are making an incredible comeback with numbers around 12,000.  Sharing habitat between humans and sea lions isn’t easy though.  Read about the efforts to protect the New Zealand sea lions here:  https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/after-being-hunted-to-near-extinction-new-zealand-sea-lions-are-reclaiming-the-mainland-180979052 

What is COP26?

You may have heard about COP26 in the news recently.  It’s the world’s climate change conference.  But what is it exactly?  What do they do there?  Who’s involved?  TED Ideas gives us all the details from the history of it to current issues and parties here:  https://ideas.ted.com/what-is-cop26-global-climate-change-negotiations-glasgow 

This year’s conference also has its own dedicated website if you would like to find out more from the source.  https://ukcop26.org/

Climate Change Terms

When we talk about climate change, there’s a lot of terms thrown around that many of us are not familiar with.  Explanations to the most common terms can be found here:  https://ideas.ted.com/a-quick-guide-to-common-climate-change-jargon-terms 

Another Place to Buy Plants and Seeds

It may be fall/winter but you know that doesn’t stop me from planning out my next garden purchases.  Here’s another place to order from that I came across this week: https://www.starkbros.com/

On the Website

Week eight links are up in the directory. Visit the website at https://hippiedabble.com/, and if you would like to read any of the back issues of the Hippie Dabble Digest, you can find them at hippiedabble.substack.com.

Quote of the Week

He that plants trees, loves others besides himself.  -Thomas Fuller

 What’s on my to read list?  

(I’m a slow reader so this could get pretty long.)

  1. Food Politics – What Everyone Needs to Know by Robert Paarlberg (found at a library book sale)
  2. Tightrope – Americans Reaching for Hope by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (past Book of the Month Club book)
  3. Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery (See the Ezra Klein Show Podcast in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 1)
  4. Plants for Your Food Forest: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens Published by Plants for a Future (See the website in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 1)
  5. Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari (see TED Talks Daily Podcast in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 2)
  6. Chasing the Scream: The Inspiration for the Feature Film “The United States vs. Billie Holiday” (The Opposite of Addiction is Connection) by Johann Hari (see TED Talks Daily Podcast in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 2)
  7. The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben (found by accident when searching for the Secret Language of Trees video, see link in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 3)
  8. 10 Minute Boosts for Your Body, Mind & Beauty: Quick and Easy Tips to Help You Feel Good, Look Good and Live Good by Susan Wildes (free ebook from Freebooksy daily email)
  9. The Mushroom Medicine Cabinet: 12 Medicinal Mushrooms and Their Healing Powers by Kris Rowsan (Suggested for me in Kindle Unlimited)
  10. Nature’s Silent Message  by Scott Stillman (admittedly I clicked on an ad)
  11. Raising Goats for Beginners by Max Barnes (free ebook from Freebooksy daily email – I have a goat obsession so I just couldn’t resist!)
  12. Mushroom Cultivation Book for Beginners: 21 Step-by-Step Methods to Master Your Skills with this Mushroom Growing Book by Kris Rowsan (Suggested for me in Kindle Unlimited)
  13. A Monk’s Guide to a Clean House and Mind by Shoukei Matsumoto (I can’t remember how I came across this book/author, but it’s supposed to be about cleaning as a form of meditation.)
  14. The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times by Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams (I kept seeing this book pop up in various places and was intrigued since Jane Goodall is one of the authors.)
  15. The Yoga Journey: A 30 Day Beginners Guide to Stretch Your Body Mind and Soul by Nim Stant (free ebook from Freebooksy daily email)

Thanks for reading the Hippie Dabble Digest! Please share with a friend!

Hope you enjoyed this back issue of the Hippie Dabble Digest! I’ll keep posting them every Thursday until we’re all caught up. See you next week!

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