Hippie Dabble Digest 6: Struggle Care, aromatics & incense, garlic, another place to buy plants & seeds, and something just for fun

The Hippie Dabble Digest started September 7, 2021 on Substack.  We have since transitioned over to the blog and a newsletter that encompasses more than just the digest.  As part of this transition,  Hippie Dabble is bringing over all the old digests for you to enjoy.  This one is week 6 from October 12, 2021.  The links from the Hippie Dabble Digests get put into the Directory and can be found here: https://hippiedabble.com/directory/.

Welcome to week 6 of the Hippie Dabble Digest! We’re going to start out this week with something that’s just for fun.

Ever wonder where you would end up if you dug a hole straight through the earth to the other side?  Well this interactive map will show you!  It even has a little guy poking his head into the hole and coming out the other side.  Most places will land you in the middle of an ocean on the other side, but the site also gives you some of the main locations that go from land to land.  So here’s a little fun for your Tuesday morning.  https://www.antipodesmap.com/

Struggle Care

There are a lot of reasons why any one of us may be struggling in every day life, struggling to care for ourselves, our homes, or others.  It could be physical, mental health related, the circumstances we are in, other situations around us, or any combination of those.  This site is a great resource for when you are struggling.  There’s information, tips, books, products, and more.  Check it out here: https://www.strugglecare.com/

Aromatics and Make Your Own Incense with the Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine

I’m super excited about this one.  I really like incense but the kind you buy in stores and from most vendors irritate my sinuses and give me headaches.  I’ve often thought about making my own but couldn’t find instructions that didn’t include the things that cause my pain.  Here is a free three part series that includes a video and a PDF download with instructions in each part.  I will now be able to make my incense the way I would like it and so can you.  If you do make some of your own, please share some pictures with us!  https://aromaticmedicineschool.com/f/hciws/hand-crafted-incense-training/ 

These instructions are brought to you by the Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine and the main website has tons of additional free information about aromatics as well as paid courses you can take.  https://aromaticmedicineschool.com/


It’s fall planting time and this last week I was able to get my garlic in the ground right before the snow hit.  So of course I’m going to share tons of garlic information with you!  The first couple of sites come courtesy of my parents who are both great at sharing information and articles with me. 

The Old Farmer’s Almanac is full of tons of information on so many topics.  Visit the main site here:  https://www.almanac.com/. For some garlic specific information on planting, harvesting, and storing garlic, try these two links:  https://www.almanac.com/plant/garlichttps://www.almanac.com/when-harvest-garlic-plus-how-cure-storage

If you are interested in growing garlic as a perennial, this link has great information:  https://practicalselfreliance.com/perennial-garlic/ .  And if you’re interested in perennial gardening in general, permaculture, self-reliance, etc., visit the main Practical Self Reliance website:  https://practicalselfreliance.com/.

And finally, hardneck varieties of garlic (what I just planted) grow long stems with flower buds at the ends called scapes.  These scapes are actually edible and here’s a couple of websites with ideas and recipes using the scapes: https://www.bonappetit.com/test-kitchen/ingredients/article/garlic-scapeshttps://food52.com/blog/10921-what-to-do-with-an-overload-of-garlic-scapes.

Another Place to Buy Plants and Seeds 

I’ve discovered one more place to buy plants and seeds.  Try Prairie Moon Nursery here:  https://www.prairiemoon.com/.

Seed Swap Anyone?

My sister-in-law brought a great idea to me about adding a seed swap to Hippie Dabble. I need figure out how to implement it, but maybe we can get some interest going before we start. Feel free to comment or email me at tessa@hippiedabble.com.

On the Website

Week 3 links are up in the Directory including all of those sites suggested by HGTV to buy your beneficial bugs.  Visit the website at https://hippiedabble.com/ and if you would like to read any of the back issues of the Hippie Dabble Digest, you can find them at hippiedabble.substack.com.

Quote of the Week

 What’s on my to read list?  

(I’m a slow reader so this could get pretty long.)

  1. Food Politics – What Everyone Needs to Know by Robert Paarlberg (found at a library book sale)
  2. Tightrope – Americans Reaching for Hope by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn (past Book of the Month Club book)
  3. Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery (See the Ezra Klein Show Podcast in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 1)
  4. Plants for Your Food Forest: 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens Published by Plants for a Future (See the website in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 1)
  5. Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions by Johann Hari (see TED Talks Daily Podcast in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 2)
  6. Chasing the Scream: The Inspiration for the Feature Film “The United States vs. Billie Holiday” (The Opposite of Addiction is Connection) by Johann Hari (see TED Talks Daily Podcast in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 2)
  7. The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World by Peter Wohlleben (found by accident when searching for the Secret Language of Trees video, see link in the Hippie Dabble Digest: Week 3)
  8. 10 Minute Boosts for Your Body, Mind & Beauty: Quick and Easy Tips to Help You Feel Good, Look Good and Live Good by Susan Wildes (free ebook from Freebooksy daily email)
  9. The Mushroom Medicine Cabinet: 12 Medicinal Mushrooms and Their Healing Powers by Kris Rowsan (Suggested for me in Kindle Unlimited)
  10. Nature’s Silent Message  by Scott Stillman (admittedly I clicked on an ad)

Many thanks for joining me and taking the time to read my newsletter! If you think there is something of interest for someone you know, please share it with a friend!

Hope you enjoyed this back issue of the Hippie Dabble Digest! I’ll keep posting them every Thursday until we’re all caught up. See you next week!

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