Tag: plastic

Environmental Issues & Solutions, Food & Recipes, Gardening, Hippie Dabble Digest, Natural Health & Wellness

Hippie Dabble Digest 71: Adult Swim’s Etcetera, environmental news, pumpkin donut holes recipe, matcha mouthwash, staghorn sumac, & lots more!

Welcome to the 71st Hippie Dabble Digest!  We’re back!  We had a nice, long break, but it’s time to get back at it!  If you’re new to the Hippie Dabble Digest, welcome!  You will find interesting and useful information and links first, including sections like Just for Fun, In the […]

Hippie Dabble Digest

Hippie Dabble Digest 61: Rare historical photos, companion planting, environmental news, instant pot spaghetti squash recipe, Mayo Clinic Connect, National Garden Association, & more!

Welcome to the 61st edition of the Hippie Dabble Digest! You may have noticed that we missed a couple of weeks. We were off selling at the Casper Holistic Expo and the Cowboy State Expo. We’re back now and will be working hard to get the rest of our products […]

Hippie Dabble Digest

Hippie Dabble Digest 46: Survival crops; the effects of yoga; how Oslo, Norway is leading the climate change fight; plastic waste roads; & more

Welcome to week 46 of the Hippie Dabble Digest! Anyone remember playing Frogger as a kid? You can still play Frogger online, and it’s completely free! If you’ve never played Frogger before, the goal is to get the frog to the other side before the time runs out, across a […]

Hippie Dabble Digest

Hippie Dabble Digest 43: Vertical growing vegetables, white eggplants, plastic eating enzyme, a lesson about vinegar, baking soda, and laundry, & more

Welcome to week 43 of the Hippie Dabble Digest. This week’s just for fun link is a running game called QWOP. You use your Q, W, O, and P keys to work your runner’s thighs and calves. Don’t expect to get it on your first try, but it’s hilariously fun […]