Tag Archives: habits

Hippie Dabble Digest 73: Dutch habits for happiness & health, environmental news, tortellini soup recipe, coffee vs. tea, comfrey, & lots more!

Welcome to the 73rd Hippie Dabble Digest!  First, I must apologize for once again going MIA.  Things have been so busy, but we have some exciting news!  We are moving our store location and expanding!  We’re very excited and feel this is a great opportunity for us.  If you’re not in Casper to shop our […]

Hippie Dabble Digest 68: Maze Toys, 8 Japanese habits, environmental news, Daylily recipes & information, exercise & the aging brain, & more!

Welcome to the 68th Hippie Dabble Digest! I’m making progress on getting products onto the website. Still lots to go but slow and steady wins the race. Take a look at the new stuff in the Shop here: https://hippiedabble.com/shop/ and keep checking back!  Our next in person event is the Casper Holistic Expo in Casper, […]